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United States
Our Social Impact
PMM Vasco Emergency Team
Rapid response team that brings help within 24 to 48 hours of a disaster or crisis
In March 2022, Vasco and the Polish Medical Mission joined forces to bring immediate help after natural disasters and humanitarian crises around the world.
- The team consists of trained medical professionals
- The work of the team is supervised by the World Health Organization’s directives
- The team helped war refugees from Ukraine and is planning more missions around the world

Quinnipiac University
Cooperation with Quinnipiac University’s foreign students by lending Vasco Translator M3 devices
International students face many problems when studying in the USA. They may need to learn a new language, get used to a culture, and make friends in an environment different from theirs.
- Photo Translator helped the students to understand educational materials during lectures
- Voice Translator was used to effectively communicate with academic teachers
- Reactions of both students and teachers to our translators were extremely positive
Help for Ukraine
Field ambulances, medical equipment and Vasco Translators for Ukraine
Our electronic translators were sent free of charge to a number of hospitals and refugee centers near the Polish-Ukrainian border.
- $10 of each purchased translator was allocated for the PMM Vasco Emergency Team
- We lent nearly 500 Vasco Translators to foundations, non-profit organizations and schools to support effective communication with war refugees from Ukraine
- PMM Vasco Emergency Team sent a field ambulance and medical equipment to the hospital in Drohobycz, Ukraine